
SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] HOME スカイプロジェクト英語版ホーム

The SKY project contributes to the development of skilled human resources
which are the foundation of economic growth of developing countries
such as in Africa and Asia. The module for skills assessment
we use is uniquely developed utilizing the expertise accumulated at Nagoya University.

What is SKY?

Economic Growth and the Possibility of Skills Development

Recently, developing countries have shown remarkable economic growth; however, the lack of human resources with necessary skills impedes their advancement and business opportunities in Africa. SKY supports developing skilled human resources who acquire not just simple production skills, but multiple/comprehensive problem-solving skills which are usually not covered by school education, by using our own assessment module.

Why we need skills development?

Introduction of the paperIntroduction of papers

  • Article

    Initial findings of the Training Need Assessment: Employable Capacity Development for Women project in Punjab

    2024.07.17Pimmada Charoensilp, Shoko Yamada, Yuki Shimazu, Emmanuel Estrellado 著

  • Article

    Summary Report of the Training Needs Assessment: Employable Capacity Development for Women project in Punjab, Pakistan

    2024.07.17Shoko Yamada, Pimmada Charoensilp, Emmanuel Estrellado, Yuki Shimazu 著

  • Article

    Grasping and Training the Skills of Garment-sector Workers in Ethiopia: Findings from Assessments and Innovative Soft Skills Training

    2024.07.03Emmanuel Estrellado, Pimmada Charoensilp, Shoko Yamada, Fekadu Nigussie 著

Publications and Presentations

(C) 2018 skyproject SKY.jp