Why we need skills development?

We support developing skilled human resources and matching local business needs and labor supply by using our own assessment module.

SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] home What is SKY project about?

Why we need skills development?We support developing skilled human resources and matching local business needs and labor supply by using our own assessment module.

The project conceives of skills not just as a simple production skills, but multiple/comprehensive problem-solving skills composed of the following:

Cognitive skills Basic knowledge, literacy and numeracy, which can be acquired in the classroom
Vocational skills Operational skills for production in special industries
Non-cognitive, behavioral skills The ability to apply the knowledge and skills to an actual work situation to solve problems is important. Also, SKY will address behavioral skills such as inter-personal relations, compliance with rules, and appropriate judgment in response to specific demands.

Pilot studies are conducted in three countries, aimed at standardizing the skills assessment module for application in different countries and industrial sectors

Does the school teach knowledge and skills that are really useful for work and life?

There may be mismatches between the demand (employer) and the supply (school) sides of the labor market regarding the perceived necessary skills. Therefore, it is necessary to examine if there exist mismatches, and if so specify their nature and the elements of needed skills
The research on skills development has been peripheral in academic fields such as education and economics. Therefore, little work has been accumulated, despite high demand for it in the real world.
Regardless of the popular discussion on outcome-based or competency-based education, not much has been done to examine if such education has led to the acquisition of competencies which are really useful and employable. SKY project develops the module to assess such skills comprehensively and apply it to practical activities.

Skills assessment conducted in Ethiopia

Employers and trainers assess skills of young workers.

The SKY project team conducts skills assessment for employers and employees of local businesses in South Africa, Ethiopia, and Ghana. The aim of the project is to contribute to policy-making for human resource development and industrial promotion, and we are also committed to providing feedback to the local businesses for the improvement of employers and employees. As a result, the improvement of productivity and quality of work has been confirmed.

  • Sample feedback sheet for local enterprises – For employers
  • Sample feedback sheet for local enterprises – For employees