
We will introduce relevant organizations that support SKY project.

SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] home Supporters

  • 科研費基盤研究(A)「学際アプローチによるアフリカの若者の「知識」の構成主義的把握」
    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding African Youth's "Knowledge" from a Constructivist Perspective" 日本語サイト英語サイト


    The "Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding African Youth's "Knowledge" from a Constructivist Perspective" (Project No. 21H04411), which was selected as a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, aims to theorize about learning and knowledge acquisition in African society.
    This research analyzes learning and knowledge acquisition in African societies from the perspective of its components, formation processes, learners' motivations for acquiring knowledge, and society's evaluation of knowledge, not restricting "education" to schools but including knowledge gained through life and work.
    Based on the skills assessment of African youth (conducted in Ethiopia, Ghana, and South Africa) conducted by the SKY project, this KAKEN project will add qualitative and ethnographic perspectives to deepen the research in the countries mentioned above and expand the scope to the surrounding countries. From the standpoint of constructivism, which argues that knowledge is constructed by the environment as well as the subjectivity and cognition of the individual who acquires it, we will attempt to structurally understand the cultural, environmental, and psychological factors that influence learning and knowledge acquisition in African societies and theorize them through comparative case studies within the region.


  • 独立行政法人国際協力機構 (JICA)
    Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)


    The JICA Partnership Program (JPP) was introduced in 2002 to support and cooperate with the implementation of projects formulated by Japanese NGOs, local governments, and universities who wish to utilize their knowledge and experience in assisting developing countries. JPP aim to contribute to the economic and social development or reconstruction of local residents in developing countries. “Skills Assessment and Development of the Training Programs to Mitigate the Skills Gaps in the Small- and Micro-enterprises” is adopted JPP in 2019.


  • 新興出版社啓林館
    Shinko Shuppnansha Keirinkan



  • 愛知文化服装専門学校
    Aichi Bunka Fashion College



    Aichi Bunka Fashion College was established in 1936 to develop a skilled workforce for the apparel industry. The College is certified as a special vocational institute by the Governor of Aichi prefecture as well as appointed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan as a special college that promotes development of an education system for the fashion workforce.

    We support the SKY project in the development of its skills assessment module. The implementation and review of the skills assessment module can show the comprehension level of our students and be a useful indicator when we give career advice.


  • エチオピア連邦民主共和国・教育省
    Ministry of Education, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia



    The economic growth rate of Ethiopia averaged 10.8% per year between 2003/04 and 2014/15. Recognizing the urgent need to develop quality human resources to maintain and enhance economic growth, the Ministry of Education has invested greatly in developing a skilled workforce. However, we still face the challenge that the educated workforce, particularly those from TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training), has not fully acquired the necessary competency demanded in the world of work.

    The findings of the SKY project team from Nagoya University, which are based on rigorous scientific investigation, indicate the exact domains and types of skills which are required by the industries but not satisfied by the existing TVET curriculum under implementation. This indicates further improvement is needed in the TVET strategy based on the occupational standards set by industry based on the country's National TVET Qualification framework. The evidence-based proposals by the SKY team serve greatly to improve the industry-education linkage, make the education and training organically linked to the real world of work, and for the greater economic success of the country. My ministry looks forward to strengthening the partnership through collaborative research with our TVET institute.


  • The Productivity and Training Institute of the Clothing Manufacturing Industry, South Africa

    The Productivity and Training Institute of the Clothing Manufacturing Industry(PTI)は2016年に以下のミッションとビジョンを掲げ、衣類製造業の生産性の向上と持続可能な成長を目指して南アフリカに設立されました。

    The PTI was launched in 2016 in South Africa, the decision to launch the institute by the NBC was reached after observing the challenges in skills and productivity bedevilling the industry and threatening the continued existence of the industry. The Role of the Productivity and Training Institute (PTI) of the Clothing Manufacturing Industry is to identify challenges, coordinate and support implementation of interventions to:
    -improve productivity and sustainability
    -position industry for sustainable growth
    Mission is to efficiently engage clothing manufacturing industry so as to continuously improve productivity levels through implementation of relevant trainings and world class manufacturing processes to meet evolving customer requirements and the growing global demand for ethically and responsibly manufactured clothing.
    Vision is to develop innovative and agile manufacturing processes that create a globally competitive clothing manufacturing industry which satisfy people’s lives and continue to capacitate local industry as a preferred and leading supplier of quality clothing.

    We are excited to participate as an industry in the SKY project because this project gives us an opportunity to use a structured model to assess competence gaps and at the same time allowing an opportunity to benchmark with the other countries participating in the programme. The role of the PTI in the SKY project is to facilitate all the requirements and motivating for industry participation so as to as to view this project as a tool that can be adapted for sector skills analysis required to plan effectively.

  • National Vocational Training Institute, Ghana

    National Vocational Training Instituteは1970年にガーナに設立されました。


    National Vocational Training Institute was established in Ghana in 1970.
    The purpose is to provide demand-driven employable skills and enhance the income generating capacities through Competency-Based Apprenticeship, Master Craftsmanship, Testing and Career Development.


  • Opportunities Industrialization Centre Ghana

    Opportunities Industrialization Centre Ghana (OICG)は、ガーナのアクラ、クマシ、セコンディ・タコラディに拠点を置き、技術教育・職業訓練を提供しています。


    Opportunities Industrialization Centre Ghana (OICG) is a Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) provider with training centres in Accra, Kumasi and Sekondi/Takoradi.
    The courses provided by OICG intend to upgrade Trainees’ knowledge to enable them to take advantage of further levels of study to qualify for higher appointments in the Labour Market or go into Self Employment.


  • Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Ghana

    Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) は、ガーナ国民議会の条例により設立された、ガーナの技術教育・職業訓練(TVET)システム構築の役割を担う国家機関です。


    Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) is a national body set up by an Act of Parliament of the Republic of Ghana. COTVET is establishing Ghana's Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system.
    COTVET is aiming to improve the productivity and competitiveness of the skilled workforce and raise the income generating capacities of people, especially women and low income groups through provision of quality-oriented, industry-focused and competency-based training programmes and complementary services.


  • 国連大学
    United Nations University

    国連大学サステイナビリティ高等研究所(UNU-IAS)は、「持続可能な開発のための2030アジェンダ」の推進に資するプロジェクトを支援するため「地球規模課題解決に資する国際協力プログラム (Grant for Global Sustainability: GGS) 」を実施しており、その一環として本プロジェクトを資金的にサポートしています。



    UNU-IAS implements the Grant for Global Sustainability (GGS), an initiative supporting research related to implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SKY project is financially supported as part of its GGS project.

    The SKY project is expected to make policy and academic contributions to the SDG4 (Inclusive and equitable quality education for all), SDG8 (Inclusive economic development and employment), and SDG9 (Education for achieving inclusive development).

    *GGS is a funding project under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology


  • 名古屋大学アジア共創教育研究機構
    Applied Social System Institute and Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University



    Nagoya University has been playing a major role as a Japanese national research university, accumulating academic knowledge and building international networks. Based on such history and experiences, Nagoya University has established the Applied Social System Institute (ASSIA) aiming to advance our effort as an Asian Hub University. ASSIA aims to contribute to the formation of new academic fields by connecting and fusing disciplines regardless of confined academic fields in order to face global issues and contribute to the development of academic research. The SKY project is one of the ASSIA’s core research projects. The intellectual capacities of the fields of Education Development, Education Measurement, Econometrics Economics, and Regional Studies are brought together to contribute to the policy for skills development of governments of developing countries and to strategies for corporate investment.