Activity report: The junior high and high schools attached Nagoya University in Japan (by Kyoko Taniguchi)2018.05.10 Kyoko Taniguchi East Asia
Area: Asia
Country: Japan
We conducted reading tests and the questionnaire with students in grades 10-12 in the junior high and high schools attached Nagoya University between 2nd and 9th March, 2018.
The aim was to conduct a pre-test for the tests we constructed to measure the reading skills of youth in Ethiopia, South Africa and Ghana. We aimed to check whether the constructed tests effectively measure cognitive skills for reading. In response to the request from the school, we also conducted the questionnaire which analyzed interest in English and personality traits. We attempted to analyze the relationship between reading skills and interest in English. In each class, it took 50 minutes for English reading test I, and another 50 minutes for English reading test II and the questionnaire.
When we explained the aim of this research, teachers and students cooperated with us enthusiastically. Some students are interested in international development so they are interested in our research. Most of the students finished the reading test first. It seems to be easy for them. (Author: Kyoko Taniguchi)