Category:Partnerships between Government, Schools, Private Sectors and International Organization
For a smooth transition of the knowledge and skills learned in basic education and TVET institutions to the knowledge and skills needed in labour market, strong partnerships between government, schools, private sectors and international organization is essential. This topic will also focus on the projects of JICA, Japanese companies and university in Africa and Asia.
SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] ホーム Hot Issues of Skills Development Category
“Kaizen” was originated in the Japanese industry, and it has been referred to many countries as a te…… Read more
In African countries, youth unemployment and underemployment rates remain very high, and a large sha…… Read more
The Platform for Expertise of Vocational Training (PEFOP: Plateforme d’ expertise en formation profe…… Read more
Ghana is one of the countries where SKY project is currently conducting research. This column will i…… Read more