Activity report: Aichi Bunka Fashion College in Japan (by Natsuki Kondo)2018.05.24 Natsuki Kondo East Asia
Area: Asia
Country: Japan
We conducted vocational skills tests and a questionnaire with first- and second-year students in Aichi Bunka Fashion College on 13th April, 2018.
The aim was to check the effectiveness of the tests and questionnaire which our team developed to measure the vocational skills of workers and trainees in the garment sector in Ethiopia, South Africa, and Ghana. We asked students from each year to answer all questions in the questionnaire and tests without time restriction.
Founded in 1936, Aichi Bunka Fashion College has a long history. This year, a new building has just opened and we stepped into it for the first time. We were impressed by the stylish and beautiful building and the teachers also seem happy, saying ‘students look very cheerful in the new building.’ In response to teachers’ interest to see the effect of environment on students’ personality and to know the character of new students, we included a set of questions about personality traits in the questionnaire. For me, as a non-specialist in the garment sector, the vocational skills test seems difficult but students answered them in a short time.
We really appreciate the warm cooperation from the students and teachers of Aichi Bunka Fashion College.