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SKY[Skills and Knowledge for Youth] home What's New SKY Project co-authored paper was cited in Preparing developing countries for the future of work: understanding skills- ecosystem in a digital era

SKY Project co-authored paper was cited in Preparing developing countries for the future of work: understanding skills- ecosystem in a digital era 2020.02.25

Yamada, Otchia, & Taniguchi (2018) were cited in a report on “Preparing developing countries for the future of work: understanding skills-ecosystem in a digital era” written by Te Velde and Banga. The report is part of a series of background papers on technological change and inclusive development. The citation highlights Yamada and colleagues’ findings on different perceptions of TVET trainers and employers (Yamada et al., 2018). More information can be found here https://pathwayscommission.bsg.ox.ac.uk/Developing-education-paper